Cyber Essentials Certification Body Goes Digital with Ziptech

Earlier this year, Indelible Data, the Certification Body we partner with to assess our Cyber Essentials applications (our own and those of our clients), came to us to help them improve their own internal IT infrastructure, embrace the Cloud and become more efficient. Ziptech’s Senior Project Engineer Bradley Glover summarises the project and outlines the business benefits this Cumbria-based business has achieved with digital technologies.

The solution we implemented for Indelible Data consisted of a Microsoft Cloud-based Infrastructure comprising SharePoint, One Drive, and MS Teams. Integrated with this to provide a slicker and more efficient telephony system, we installed Qunify, our preferred VoIP telephone solution.

Previously, the business had operated using a Network Attached Storage (NAS) box. This is an on-premise box which stores shared files; a little bit like a server but only for storing data and of course only accessible from the office network. With assessors working across the country and travelling to site on a regular basis, Indelible Data knew they had to move to the Cloud.

Tony Wilson, Indelible Data said,

“Ziptech has recommended and implemented a Cloud-based infrastructure which is perfectly-suited to our business needs. It is secure, efficient, economical, and it has completely changed the way we work.”

First, we analysed the data and made our recommendation to install MS SharePoint (a Cloud-based file storing and sharing platform) and One Drive, which is used for storing local files. Synching to SharePoint, you are able to work locally on your One Drive file and it will automatically update the shared document on SharePoint when you next access the internet. It is ideal for staff to use on the road.

Installing MS Teams further supports collaborative working, allowing staff to use instant messaging alongside video or voice conferencing when working in different locations. Integrating Teams with VoIP provider Qunify means that every employee can make and receive calls from their laptop or any device from which they access Teams.